
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Removing the Header Title

I have a graphic I want to use in my header, but that #^%&*! title is in my way. How do I get rid of it?

LOL...let me tell you first, the way NOT to get rid of it. I've seen several people make it the same color as the background, thus masking it....BAD...VERY BAD!!! The Blogger robots think you are hiding something and they will flag you as don't even think about doing it that way!

The right way is just this easy! All of this work will be accomplished on the sections of the Template tab.

Go to Page Elements and click on the Edit link in the Header (Title) box. In the popup Configure Header window that appears click 'Remove Page Element'.

If there is no Edit link in Header (Title) box, and/or no Remove Page Element link in the Configure box, go to Edit Html and scroll down in Edit Template text box until you come to this part in your code:

In above code change locked='true' to locked='false' and save template. Go back over to Page Elements and now there will be an Edit link in the Header (Title) box and after clicking on Edit there will be a Remove Page Element link when the Configure Header box opens. there is a caveat. I told you all of this assuming that you know how to put a graphic in your header...LOL...that is another lesson


  1. bloggers4acause said...
    i removed the title last month... now i want to return it since it can help me increase my SEO.. do you know how i can display the title again???
    Bonnie S. Calhoun said...
    Go to your layout page, click "Edit" for the header box, and uncheck - Don't show title.

    You could get the same SEO results by putting a meta tag and the "title" at the top of your page HTML. (that's what the search engines actually look for, and when your title shows on the page, ita automatically adds the line at the top of your code. Byt you could keep your title off the page, and just add it to the HTML yourself!

    Read these two posts:

    Search Engines and how to, and not to - sign up

    How To Be Sure That Your Site Is Being Crawled

    And go to the first site in the first post and they will teach you how to make the metatag.
    A Horse Mom said...
    I have a graphic in my header and I want to know how to put my title to the right of the graphic instead of hiding it? Can you tell me how to do that?
    Bonnie S. Calhoun said...
    Go to the Configure box for the header, and click to have the title show. Then in your CSS, find the title declaration that tells where to position the title and change that to the postion that you want the title to have.

    Save a copy of your template before you start messing with it!

    When you make a change to the CSS, hit the Preview button, if it not moved where you want it to, hit the back button on your browser (or close that screen if the back arrow is not lit up) and then hit the Clear Edits button.

    That will put you bak with no changes on the template. Keep using those procedures until it looks the way you want it to...then, and only then hit the Save button :-)
    A Horse Mom said...
    Would you know about where in the CSS the title is declared? I messed with it for about an hour and still haven't got it. Thanks so much!
    Bonnie S. Calhoun said...
    What is the address of your blog, and I'll take a look for you.
    A Horse Mom said...
    Thank you so much. My blog address is
    Bonnie S. Calhoun said...
    Try this...look for this section in your CSS code...Scroll down from the top.

    #header h1 {
    text-align: left;
    font-size: 200%;
    color: #cc2288;
    padding-top: 15px;
    padding-right: 20px;

    Change the: text-align:left

    To: text-align:right

    Then click the preview button to see it it is the right thing.

    If it is correct, then use the back button to get back to the edit screen...or if the back button isn't lit, just close that browser window.

    Then click save. You can also change the color of the text in this same section by changing the numbers and letters where it says "Color"

    The only reason I suggest that is because the two pinks are so close the header title may almost disappear, and the search engines don't like that!
    debbie said...
    can you please advise how you remove a graphic text that is a picture image, and it wont allow picture remove the box keeps flicking so I cant even change the picure
    Bonnie S. Calhoun said...
    You will need to give me more information, plus your blog address.
    Anonymous said...
    Can you tell me how to add a grey background to a section of text in a post to put emphasis on a quote?
    Bonnie S. Calhoun said...
    Yes Hillbilly. To make a grey highlight behind your text use:

    <strong id="kchl"><span style="color:#000000;">Put text here</span></strong>

    to make grey highlight.
    Alek said...
    Hi there, i removed my title, but wide thin box is still there! What can I do with it?
    It's like this:

    And I want it to be as clear, as here:
    Bonnie S. Calhoun said...
    You need to find the code for the header in your HTML and delete it. Preview the change BEFORE saving it. If you don't do it right click "Discard edits". If it looks like you want it too THEN save the changes.
    Bonnie S. Calhoun said...
    Bird are using the wrong symbol for a break in Blogger. It's <br />

    But it looks like your title is already on two lines, so Im not sure what you're trying to do.
    Anonymous said...
    thanks for the tip! i have replaced by header title with an image
    shaz said...
    thanks for the tips everyone...
    Aldrix said...
    you should have made a back up of the codes that you have removed, or just uncheck the box, dont show title.
    Bonnie S. Calhoun said...
    Aldrix, it doesn't work that way if you're caught in an error loop :-)

    But thanks for the suggestion.
    Anonymous said...
    It is simply magnificent idea

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